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fractionated quartz sand filter

Тип объявления: продамОпубликовано: 31.01.2017
Цена:2.56 грн.
Телефоны: Написать сообщение
Адрес:Бердичев, Житомирская область, Украина

Fractionated quartz sand in bags of 25 kg fraction 0,4-0,8 mm 0,8-1,2 mm, 1-2 mm, 2-3 mm and the other factions.

Guaranteed product quality: the remains beneath the city - no more than 2-3%. Thanks we can talk about the quality of products meets European analogues. Precipitation of sand on the bottom of the pool is excluded!

The polypropylene bag, box type, with valve, without inscriptions on 25 kg.

Quartz filter sand (sand filter, silica, washed, dried, sieved) is manufactured at our plant in accordance with the requirements of the European standard DIN EN 12904. We are the only enterprise in Ukraine that can withstand this the standard of quality and type parameters of this standard specification the supply agreement.

Always in stock!

Read more about sand filters for all factions on the site Agromineral Ukraine: www.euromineral.com.ua